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Board Bills

2023-2024 Board Bill 59 — Program Providing Access to Legal Representation for Tenants Facing Eviction or Equivalent Proceedings





This proposed ordinance would establish a program providing access to legal representation for tenants facing eviction or equivalent proceedings; provide an appropriation for initial costs to begin the program; create the position of program coordinator in the Department of Human Services to implement and oversee the program; require the ongoing assessment of and oversight over the needs and outcomes of the program; provide that organizations providing legal representation under the program should work to provide the best possible outcome for a case; require property owners to provide tenants information regarding the availability of the program when terminating tenancy, and require the program coordinator to produce and make available to property owners materials for this use; and require that the program coordinator will work to engage and educate tenants and others about the program, including a severability clause, and an emergency clause.


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Board Bills

BB 81 – Installing Speed Humps on Various Blocks in the 1st Ward




BB 81 – Installing Speed Humps on Various Blocks in the 1st Ward


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Board Bills

2024-2025 Board Bill 80 — Prohibiting Street Takeovers





The proposed bill will prohibit street takeovers and other acts of reckless and dangerous driving within the City of St. Louis as defined therein; and contains provisions for penalties for violations thereof; and contains a severability clause and emergency clause.


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Board Bills

2024-2025 Board Bill 79 — Honorary Street Naming of Tuskegee Airmen Way





An Ordinance authorizing the honorary street name “Tuskegee Airmen Way” pursuant to Ordinance Number 68937, which shall begin at the intersection of Chestnut Street and N. 13th Street and run west on Chestnut Street to the intersection of Chestnut Street and N. 14th Street.


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